Incubating The
We the Incubator, we are a group devoted to creating innovative services, to lederate a new movement.There is a group that factors such ambition, despair, lack of opportunity that leads them committing illicit acts until their luck is over.
When reality hits, it is already too late and the situation worsens, archived ``registered``, dressed in uniform, orange, brown or any color offered by the institution ``the prison`` converted into a number, a product with a label ``label `` a stamping that will be part of a former prisoner for a long time.
We want to show the world that we all deserve another chance and that a bad decision does not define an individual as a bad person nor that they have to feel less about themselves. It is through the responsibility and cooperation of the community, organization, and individual that great success achieved.
Best salaries
and job options for a felon
2.3 million adults
are on parole
The United States represents approximately 22% of the world's prison population, meaning that 2.2 million adults today are in a prison and another 2.3 million are on parole (4.5 million adults are currently in the BOP System).In an average of 3 years 68% of those individuals return to prison for parole violation or a new charge.
unemployment percentages in
the previously imprisoned population
Employment opportunities are often times restricted do to the offense, whether it is a restriction placed by the justice system or by society do to their “Felon” label. This graph shows unemployment percentages in the previously imprisoned population is much worse than what was witnessed in the Great Depression. The limited employment opportunities contributes to the recidivism rates.
adults today are in a prison
of adults on parole return to prison
California residents are on probation
Real opportunity in
a venture in The World of Technology.
We the Incubator, have this understanding and created an infrastructure that will guide Felons to a real opportunity in a venture in The World of Technology. We the Incubator we are offering Every individual who is leaving The prison system an opportunity to join the world of technology. We understand that it is not for everyone, but for those who are willing to commit will be rewarded with an opportunity to break the cycle and change their lives in the right direction. We have created this bridge for the felon with an entrepreneur mind can connect to the tech world, a world that will help them to get out and eliminate the prejudices.
Paul Hayes receives assistance in completing his resume from Marlena Russell, director of recruiting, Thursday at the American Job Center Tennessee in Eastgate Town Center. Recruiter Travis Brewer, top left, observes the exchange.
Donations and our
non-profit financing
To those chosen ones that exhibit a serious, honest and desire to surpass themselves, We the Incubator will contribute through donations and our non-profit financing to cover the required costs to make this a reality rather than just a dream.
Our goal
is to help felons to start their business
We the Incubator have assembled a team of professionals specialized in the world of technology. Each of our members are passionate in what they do and are excited about this program.
Our goal is to help felons to start their business in the world of technology. They will be offered all kinds of support to launch their perspective projects.
It is not enough to spend time in prison to pay society for their crime committed. They are registered by the department of justice as ``offender`` the reminder of being a Felon. The label discriminates, hinder opportunities, in addition to limitations to all the limitation placed. Living and working with roadblocks that cause mental instability and to a great majority lead to more criminal activity.